» OSCDevices: Ableton M4L <-> VVVV Tools
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OSCDevices: Ableton M4L <-> VVVV Tools

Credits: http://www.symbioticcube.com/


This is a set of VVVV module / Max for Live device combinations. Each module/device is meant to run as a pair.

The pack can be used to integrate VVVV generative animation capabilities into sound-production or it can be utilized as a sound-engine for VVVV applications like games or interactive installations.

It runs over network so it is possible to distribute the applications over several computers. An example Ableton Live Set is included.

These four set of modules/devices exist:

  • OSC_ClipIn (m4l receive).v4p / OSC_ClipOut.amxd

Receives the data of a clip / sends data of a playing clip in specified track

  • OSC_TransportIn (m4l receive).v4p / OSC_TransportOut.amxd

Receives the transport sync from Ableton and produces synced bangs / sends the transport sync from Ableton

  • OSC_MidiIn (m4l receive).v4p / LTP_MidiOscOut.amxd

Send Midi from Live over IP

  • OSC_MidiOut (m4l send).v4p / OSC_MidiIn.amxd

Send Midi notes over the network / receives the midi notes

  • OSC_Out (m4l send).v4p / OSC_In.amxd

Send up to 8 parameter over the network / receive 8 parameter and map them to any device parameter in the track

PS: If someone need it I also have a clip launching functionality from withing vvvv. Its a bit messy so I didn't add it here so far.


OSCdevices by tekcor_1_1.zip
10.02.14 [14:47 UTC] by tekcor | 1804 downloads
quickly added a module for Midi Over IP before I forget it
Show 1 older revisions

Older Revisions

OSCdevices by tekcor.zip
29.11.13 [14:36 UTC] by tekcor | 608 downloads

microdee 10/02/2014 - 19:19

Wow! just what i needed!

Curveau 27/02/2014 - 17:07

Looks great - will have a test. Thanks :)

gerrit 16/03/2014 - 18:47

Yeah! Nice one, Thanks!

cunk111 08/05/2015 - 17:24


SuperflysiNZ 25/09/2016 - 01:51

I am trying to get this to work with multiple chords simultaneously, to have a spread of keys pressed, rather then just one at a time.

Max for live comes with the connection kit, which has a MIDI out, which sends midi slightly differently, but I am not completely across how to unpack the notes and velocities into spreads.

"OSC MIDI Send – sends MIDI note and velocity data as OSC messages to a Processing sketch."

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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~6d ago

joreg: Workshop on 29 05: Introduction to the core FUSE principles, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-introduction-to-core-fuse-principles/

~12d ago

joreg: Workshop on 23 05: Integrating Rhino 3D with vvvv, Signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-integrating-rhino-3d-with-vvvv/

~19d ago

joreg: Workshop on 16 05: Introduction to Shaders. Signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-introduction-to-shaders-in-vvvv/

~20d ago

bjoern: hello, I am looking for a job / project starting june. get in touch via vvvv specialists available for hire

~26d ago

joreg: Workshop on 09 05: Deepdive into the Stride 3D Engine. Signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-advanced-3d-rendering-in-vvvv-with-stride/

~26d ago

tekcor: Dear vvvv community, I am leaving my personal fundraiser here because I know many of you personally, sending love https://t.ly/iV9l_

~27d ago

joreg: Rewatch the 24th vvvvorldwide meetup here: https://www.youtube.com/live/gNszIiRAjDo?si=0RXF0pW73EUaRqGk

~27d ago

joreg: LINK - the vvvv summer camp 2024 is announced: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/link-the-vvvv-summer-camp-24/

~30d ago

joreg: Tonight, May 3, vvvv meetup in Berlin or via stream: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/24.-vvvv-worldwide-meetup/