» IsValidEmail (String)
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IsValidEmail (String)

Credits: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/01escwtf.aspx


Verifies that strings are in valid e-mail format.


14.02.12 [18:48 UTC] by bjoern | 955 downloads
IsValidEmail (String)

bo27 14/02/2012 - 20:27

hey bjoern, thank you for the contrib!
may i suggest 2 improovements?
1/ validate via root zones http://www.iana.org/domains/root/db/ (avoid locals, but only classic latin),
since test@domainname.rus marked now as valid but it's not
test@domainname.ru is valid
2/ let more flexible names
e.g. (_@domainname.com) now marked as not valid, but it is. i know, google not let to use signs, but some other services do, so _ and - sings should be welcome in the plug filters.

bjoern 15/02/2012 - 13:26

To be honest I merely copied the code found here and pasted it into a string-plugin-template.

The code uses a regular expression to parse the input and check if it adheres to a certain form/syntax. Nothing is really validated, "rus" just matches the pattern like "com" or "net" do. The regex only tests if the TLD part consists of at least of two and a maximum of 17 characters.

So the plugin is not named very aptly and maybe should rather be called IsWellformedEmail (String).

Concerning underscores, as far as I know they are allowed in mail-addresses, just not at the beginning of the string, therefore t_st@domainname.net is marked valid (wellformed) whereas _st@domainnam.net is not.

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